DIFI Festival Singers

The mission of the Dayton International Festival Singers (DIFS) is to sing the music of many of our world’s cultures, including music from our own country’s folk traditions. We choose music that singers will enjoy singing, and that audiences will enjoy hearing.

DIFS is a community chorus that started in the fall of 2010 when a small group of friends, who had sung together for years in other groups, decided to start singing again regularly just for fun. It didn’t take long for others to join in the singing, and for community organizations to offer help for the group to become an established new community chorus.

The chorus’ name reflects our affiliation with, and tremendous support from, the Dayton International Festival Incorporated (DIFI), the group that sponsors the annual World A’Fair at the Greene County Fairgrounds/Expo Center, and represents 31 ethnic organizations in our community. Like DIFI, the DIFS chorus is a non-profit organization.

Community organizations immediately opened their doors with a warm welcome. Stivers School for the Arts has provided the chorus weekly rehearsal space at the school. The Eintracht Singing Society has made it possible for DIFS to hold concerts and other rehearsals in their acoustically wonderful venue. Local organizations across our region have asked us to present concerts for their events.

As word of DIFS spread throughout the community, the group has grown to over 30 singers. In the short time the chorus has existed, it has performed over three dozen local concert programs for various events including the World A’Fair, and has traveled as far as Toledo, OH for a special concert.

For information about other Dayton International Festival Singer events, information about how to book them for your event, or how to join the DIF Singers see their website.

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